Veterans 2022 Laws and Resolutions - Click on the Bill Number to view the Bill History and Voting Record.
Measure | Short Title |
HB1067 | Veterans; creating the Dignity in Burial Act; directing the Department of Veterans Affairs to establish a program to ensure dignified burial for certain veterans; effective date. |
HB1800 | Higher education; tuition status for spouse and dependent children of members of Armed Forces; effective date. |
HB3709 | Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Pension Legislation Actuarial Analysis Act; definition; Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System; Uniform Retirement System for Justices and Judges; Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System; Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System; military service credit; term; effective dates. |
SB1269 | Military Department; allowing Military Department to purchase IT equipment without approval from OMES. Effective date. |
SB1286 | Child care; broadening certain exemption from the Child Care Facilities Licensing Act. Emergency. |
SB1333 | Cemeteries; transferring union soldier cemetery to Department of Veterans Affairs; designating property as state veterans cemetery. Emergency. |
SB1416 | Higher education; providing in-state status for current Oklahoma National Guard members. Effective date. Emergency. |
SB1418 | Higher education; creating the Oklahoma National Guard Educational Assistance Act; providing for eligibility. Effective date. Emergency. |
SB1587 | Veterans; creating K-I-A Reinterment Fund. Effective date. Emergency. |
SB1667 | Ad valorem tax code; providing exception to requirement for notification of increase of property valuation. Effective date. |
SB1670 | Sales tax exemption; providing exemption to widow of a military member who has died in combat. Emergency. |
SB1814 | Soldiers and sailors; Oklahoma Veterans Centers; specifying establishment of sites; transfer of operations. Emergency. |
SB401 | Income tax adjustments; exempting military retirement benefits from tax. Effective date. |
SB856 | State Travel Reimbursement; exempting the Oklahoma Military Department. Effective date. |
HB3649 | Revenue and taxation; sales tax exemption; veteran service organizations; effective date; emergency. |
SB1496 | Sales tax; providing exemption for women's veteran's organization. Effective date. |
HR1042 | Resolution expressing support for the people of Ukraine and Taiwan; condemning recent attacks and threats; and urging immediate removal of Russian troops. |