Public Safety and Criminal Justice 2022 - Click on the Bill Number to view the Bill History and Voting Record.
Public Safety & Law Enforcement | |
Measure | Short Title |
HB3970 | Awards for meritorious service; modifying terminology; providing for creation of Red Heart and Blue Heart Awards; eligibility; effective date. |
SB1565 | Cross-deputization; allowing the Attorney General to cross-deputize law enforcement; clarifying certain liability. Effective date. |
SB1613 | Law enforcement mental wellness; providing for the creation and maintenance of a Mental Wellness Division. Effective date. |
HR1066 | Resolution designating May 7, 2022, as Tulsa Police Officers' Memorial Day. |
HR1067 | Resolution recognizing National Police Week and Peace Officers Memorial Day in the State of Oklahoma. |
Criminal Procedure | |
Measure | Short Title |
HB2992 | Children; child witness statements; testimony; age requirements; definition; statutory references; effective date. |
HB3024 | Expungements; expungement of criminal history records; adding an expungement category; effective date. |
HB3053 | Criminal procedure; providing option for sentences to be deferred when offenders successfully complete drug court programs; effective date. |
HB3066 | State government; requiring municipal courts to report criminal history information to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; effective date. |
HB3135 | Criminal procedure; modifying eligible offender definition; effective date. |
HB3270 | Criminal procedure; dismissal of cases; payment of costs in dismissed actions or indictments; ability to pay fines, fees and costs; effective date. |
HB3286 | Stalking and protective orders; increasing and adding penalties; effective date. |
HB3316 | Expungements; providing for the automatic sealing of records under certain circumstances; effective date. |
HB3383 | Criminal procedure; establishing time limitation for filing original or subsequent applications for post-conviction relief; effective date. |
HB3648 | Criminal procedure; creating Mackenzie's Law; preliminary hearings; show cause hearing; effective date. |
HB4194 | Criminal procedure; directing courts to assess patterns of abuse and present written findings for persons arrested for certain crimes; effective date. |
HB4374 | Criminal procedure; Protection from Domestic Abuse Act; expanding scope of certain definition; emergency. |
SB1344 | Court-appointed special advocates; clarifying standards for education and background checks; removing fee requirement. Effective date. |
SB1536 | Criminal Justice Reclassification Coordination Council; repealing Council. Effective date. |
SB1548 | Oklahoma Drug Court Act; modifying requirements for administration of drug court programs. |
SB1738 | Death penalty procedure; modifying procedures for determination of mental competency. Effective date. |
SB186 | Firearms; modifying conditions for allowable carry for certain persons; providing certain exclusions; prohibiting certain carry for persons serving probation. Effective date. |
SB974 | Criminal prosecutions; clarifying applicability of certain exceptions; modifying statute of limitations for certain offense. Effective date. |
Crimes and Punishment | |
Measure | Short Title |
HB3070 | Firearms; clarifying scope of certain unlawful act; effective date. |
HB3087 | County jails; officer refusal to receive prisoner; medical exceptions; effective date. |
HB3171 | Crimes and punishments; drones; surveillance; trespass; misdemeanor; effective date. |
HB3195 | Professions and occupations; Oklahoma Cosmetology and Barbering Act; adding exemption; effective date. |
HB3258 | Sex crimes; penalties for sodomy; modifying elements of certain crimes; effective date. |
HB3286 | Stalking and protective orders; increasing and adding penalties; effective date. |
HB3316 | Expungements; providing for the automatic sealing of records under certain circumstances; effective date. |
HB3382 | Waters and water rights; subjecting certain violations to administrative penalties; setting maximum penalty; effective date. |
HB3429 | Crimes and punishments; authorizing the electronic transmission of certain information; effective date. |
HB3640 | Wildlife; wildlife refuges and management areas; increasing fine for violation; subsequent violations penalties; effective date; emergency. |
HB4210 | Attorney General; duties; data; human trafficking; Human Trafficking Response Unit; effective date; emergency. |
HB4224 | Crimes and punishments; excluding human trafficking victims from certain court proceedings; effective date. |
HB4373 | Crimes and punishments; modifying elements of certain prohibited act; effective date. |
HB4374 | Criminal procedure; Protection from Domestic Abuse Act; expanding scope of certain definition; emergency. |
SB1367 | Oklahoma Medical Marijuana and Patient Protection Act; authorizing certain penalties, discretion, and enforcement; requiring certain license revocation. Effective date. |
SB1536 | Criminal Justice Reclassification Coordination Council; repealing Council. Effective date. |
SB1569 | Child protection; establishing the Address Confidentiality for Child Survivors and their Families Act. Effective date. |
SB1704 | Medical marijuana; authorizing the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority to revoke licenses under certain circumstances; allowing Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority to contract with third-party wendor to provide certain services. Effective date. |
SB186 | Firearms; modifying conditions for allowable carry for certain persons; providing certain exclusions; prohibiting certain carry for persons serving probation. Effective date. |
SB974 | Criminal prosecutions; clarifying applicability of certain exceptions; modifying statute of limitations for certain offense. Effective date. |
SB1458 | Courts; transfer of funds; eliminating certain fees. Effective date. |
SB366 | Impaired driving; modifying inclusions; disallowing certain revocations. Effective date. |
HR1064 | Recognizing April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month; recognizing April 27, 2022 as Denim Day. |