Education Votes 2022 -Click on the Bill Number to view the Bill History and Voting Record.
Measure | Short Title |
HB1800 | Higher education; tuition status for spouse and dependent children of members of Armed Forces; effective date. |
HB2768 | Education; professional development program; including dysgraphia; renaming handbook to dyslexia and dysgraphia handbook; review; revisions; effective date. |
HB3038 | Schools; student transfers; permitting school district to give preference for sibling transfers; emergency. |
HB3092 | School libraries; directing library media program to be reflective of community standards when acquiring materials, resources, and equipment; effective date. |
HB3543 | Higher education; establishing the Oklahoma Free Speech Committee to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. |
HB3658 | Teacher certification; Oklahoma Teacher Preparation Act; removing requirement to pass the general education portion of the competency examination; emergency. |
HB3812 | Courts; court reporters; temporary appointment. |
HB3823 | Schools; vision screening; specifying that optometrists and ophthalmologists may perform screening; adding exemptions; effective date. |
HB3872 | Schools; Charter Schools Act; sponsorship; Office of Juvenile Affairs; emergency. |
HB3888 | Teachers; requiring certain employment contracts for teachers employed by the Oklahoma School for the Deaf or Oklahoma School for the Blind; working hours; calculation for compensation; effective date; emergency. |
HB4362 | Economic development; creating the Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology Intern Partnership STEM Workforce Pipeline Program; effective date; emergency. |
SB1084 | Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools; making an appropriation; making appropriation exempt from certain agency category and budget limits. Emergency. |
SB1119 | Teachers; removing clock-hour limitation for adjunct teachers; including adjunct teacher in certain retirement definition. Effective date. Emergency. |
SB1147 | Schools; allowing the State Board of Education to determine if certain course is eligible for certain credit. Effective date. Emergency. |
SB1190 | Career and technology education; allowing the establishment of certain courses in hydrogen energy. Effective date. Emergency. |
SB1238 | Schools; allowing transfer students to enroll in certain full-time virtual education program. Effective date. Emergency. |
SB1280 | Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness Board; removing language requiring appointments from certain lists. |
SB1307 | Students; requiring certain schools to include certain information on student identification cards. Effective date. |
SB1408 | Children; adding responsibilities of Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness Board. Effective date. |
SB1416 | Higher education; providing in-state status for current Oklahoma National Guard members. Effective date. Emergency. |
SB1418 | Higher education; creating the Oklahoma National Guard Educational Assistance Act; providing for eligibility. Effective date. Emergency. |
SB1579 | School employees; allowing a district board of education to approve certain leave of absence for certain purpose. |
SB1631 | Teachers; directing the Commission for Educational Quality and Accountability to establish a mentor teacher pilot program. Effective date. Emergency. |
SB1671 | School curriculum; directing development of curricula and materials related to Holocaust education. Effective date. Emergency. |
SB626 | Students; allowing disclosure of whether a student has received certain mental health services. Effective date. Emergency. |
HB3702 | Schools; providing for digital or online library database resources to students under certain conditions; effective date. |
HB4106 | Schools; requiring school districts to maintain protocol for responding to students in mental health crisis; effective date; emergency. |